Technische Fachhochschule Berlin
FB VIII - Maschinenbau, Verfahrens- und Umwelttechnik
AG Tiefseesysteme
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Partnership Description:
TFH Berlin is an technological research Institution - TFH, in co-operation with Technical Universität Berlin, designed and developed a thrustered tool for deep sea interventions -
MODUS. Responsible for the design of deep sea handling system. Participant definition of the requirements, manufacturing and integration phase, technical test and operative mission.
The Technische Fachhochschule Berlin (University of Applied Sciences) was founded in 1972 as joined institution of several former polytechnic institutions. Activities are
widespread in the field of engineering research. Research at the Department VIII – «Mechanical, chemical and environmental engineering« is most often related with companies to develop new technologies in the field of engineering design using CAE-technologies e.g. CAD, FEM. Several laboratories for production, manufacturing and material research NEAREST Project – sub-priotity 31 support this work. Since 1995 TFH Berlin FB VIII is cooperating with several European institutions regarding deep-sea related projects such as: EC GEOSTAR and GEOSTAR 2 (GEophysical and Oceanographic STation for Abyssal Research) and EC ORIONGEOSTAR 3 (Ocean Research by Integrated Observatory Network) and BIODEEP.
Moreover involved in National and Italian projects (MABEL and GNDT) related to future developments, such as the EC ESONET. The role of TFH is to provide the technological and scientific expertise for the design and maintenance of the deployment and recovery vehicle. Moreover, they provide the operational expertise for the sea operation for the deployment and recovery of heavy sea-floor observatories allowing to deploy equipment at the sea floor at a predetermined location with precise orientation as it has been demonstrated successfully within the EU funded projects GEOSTAR 1, GEOSTAR 2 and ORION. In addition to this several deployments and recoveries have been conducted together with INGV within Italian projects as SN#1. The vehicle provided has to be adapted to the task of NEAREST. An additional feature of the vehicle is to give additional information of the deployments sites using underwater video equipment.
Work conducted in cooperation with TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN - TUB (Germany) Technological research institute. Involved in the design and development of deepsea intervention systems and deep sea corers. Participant to the definition of the requirements, design, manufacturing and integration phase, technical test and operative mission. TUB will be mainly involved in the modelling of the handling system dynamics. As part of the Technical University Berlin the Institute of Land and Sea Traffic, Marine and Ocean Engineering (ISL) forms since 1972 one administrative unit within the Department for Transportation Systems and Applied Mechanics. This Department consists of the following Institutes: Naval Architecture, Marine and Ocean Engineering; Aerospace Engineering; Transport System Planning and Operation; Automotive Engineering; Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics.
The permanent scientific staff of the ISL consists of several Professors and Scientific Assistants. Related to the marine technology there are 3 / 6. This staff is supplemented by currently 3 Adjunct Professors and about 9 Research Assistants (Full time positions, funded by research projects). In addition, there are numerous positions for student assistantship, particularly in research projects. The current teaching and research program of the ISM emphasises the following main areas: Ocean Engineering; Maritime Transport; Ship Design; Computer Aided Design of Ships; Ship Hydrodynamics; Ship Structures, Structural Analysis and Design; Ship Dynamics (sea-keeping, manoeuvring); Hydroelasticity of Ships and Ocean Systems; Stability, Safety, Reliability of Ships and Ocean Systems; Ships for Inland Waterways; Maritime Environmental Engineering.
The ISM is directed by its elected Chairman and by the Institute Council, composed of representatives of the Professors, Scientific Assistants, students and non-scientific staff. Policy decisions on matters of teaching, research, and resource planning are taken by this Institute Council and the Council of the Department of Transport Engineering. The ISM currently employs about 50 scientific and non-scientific full-time staff members, many of whom are funded by sponsored research projects.
Role of the Partner:
TFH role is to provide the technological and scientific expertise for the design and maintenance of the deployment and recovery vehicle and operational expertise for the sea operation for the deployment and recovery of heavy seafloor observatories.